Unit 70: Map session 2

2 entrance minimum.


  • Create a variety of attack paths. This means that if an enemy player/team is dug in into a defensive position, there is at least one alternate rout to flank the enemy. If the enemy player/team is not paying attention to the alternate path then things will go very wrong very quickly for them.
  • Encourages the movement of defending players. If a defending team has to keep an eye on two or more entrances then it splits the team up and forces the defending team to re-enforce the weaker side. After all it isn’t very fun having two teams throwing grenades into one door for eternity.

If we use the example of Operation Metro on Battlefield 4 we can see that there are multiple entrances to each objective area which does have a positive impact on game pace as the multiple entrances provide multiple flanking routs to the enemy.

In my opinion it does not restrict the player as the alternate paths keeps the players on their toes.

The play can be unpredictable which in turn makes it exiting as you never know if a player is going to make a mad dash and start throwing C4 and grenades.

I don’t think that it offers too much variation, I have never felt confused when taking an alternate rout, the alternate routs provided the right amount of variation, even though they could be easily camped.

2 entrance minimum

With this scene we can see that the room has two doorways, this encourages team movement as they must watch both doorways, but the doorways also serve as escape routs. Having multiple doorways helps relieves stress on choke points so that one guy spraying with a light machine gun for the rest of eternity is going to be a lot less effective.

Having multiple entrances into a room/area reduces the effectiveness of campers as they must watch two doorways but it also creates potentially unpredictable circumstances as one or two enemy players could use their initiative and make the decision to take a flanking rout and cause devastation.

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