unit 69 concept art

Concept art is a critical part of game production and marketing, it gives the 3D artists an idea of what they need to make, it also gives the consumer some idea of what the game will look like from the cover art.

Concept art is needed for EVERYTHING in the games industry like character models, assets, buildings, vehicles and locations. The great thing about concept art in the early stages of development is multiple variations of the same asset/character can be created to fit different roles within a game e.g. night/day, damaged/undamaged, overgrown/clean.

When selling a game, Concept art is often used in the form of posters and advertising campaigns.

The selling points are very important because you need good selling points to make a successful game, it’s not much use just saying “it’s good” details are needed points need to me stated. You need to make points like the graphics, key points and new features (if any). Having a good story line could make or break the game for some people; the multi-player (if the game has one) is a hugely important part of a game if not the most important. And concept art can portray these aspects, whether it is characters, map concepts, buildings, weapons and scenes.

Concept art images

Call of Duty concept art

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mw3 Concept Art2

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titanfall concept art2

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halo concept art2

halo concept art3






























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