2D to 3D

3D to 3D

In a 2D game the environment does not need to be complex, it can just be a layered background, and the assets don’t need to be complex, just 2D shapes that you can interact with.




In a 3D game the player will see all angles of the assets, not necessarily all of the environment but most of it. The assets and environment need to be modelled from all angles and the player may need/want to interact with them.



The difference between these 2 game types is huge in modelling terms, in 2D games the assets are modelled from 1-2 sides(usually no top or bottom) but 3D game assets need to be modelled from all angles because the player is likely to see them from all angles at some point.


2D Mario game

2d mario

3D Mario game


The difference I quite clear.

2D and 3D game reviews

Fez Review


“Dimensions are a matter of perspective. A somewhat counter-intuitive and disarming idea but one that must be applied to the wonderful Fez, which has finally arrived on PlayStation 3, 4 and Vita after huge success on XBLA. Ostensibly a 2D platform game, Fez’s visually splendid, spacious, rural world – itself a homage to vintage gaming archetypes – is in fact a 3D realm. Its levels are explored in two dimensions, but the viewpoint can be revolved through three dimensions. Which is a mechanic the game uses to great effect, presenting the player with a toybox of interactive optical illusions, as a turn of 90 degrees rearranges each level’s elements. Alongside this bewildering and yet fascinating structure, lies a terrific platformer, intelligent and intriguing in its realisation. The core game can be concluded in some eight hours, but it does offer more and to delve into its depths is truly satisfying, as concealed within are a wealth of abstract codes and cryptic puzzles”.

By Will Freeman

Battlefield 3


“Battlefield 3’s rewards and progression will keep you coming back to its online rumble for a long time. From adding heat-seeking missiles to an Anti-Aircraft Tank to simply changing camouflage, there’s always a carrot dangling just out of reach — if you can wrangle the score to earn it. While the newly implemented Team Deathmatch modes encourage high kills and low deaths, Battlefield remains a team-based game where you can sit atop the scoreboard no matter how many times you’ve died. Heal an injured teammate, resupply a sniper, or make sure a tank gets fixed up, Battlefield is about working towards the greater good and it’s just as refreshing now as it was in 2002 — all while looking outstanding on PC”.

By Peter Eykemans(IGN)
















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